Integrative Health Coach
Figure out the ROOT of your symptoms and imbalances.
Understand HOW your symptoms are causing issues within your body.
OPTIMIZE how your body functions​.
ACHIEVE your health and wellness goals!!!

Hi, I am Casie Shepherd, an integrative health coach and founder of Spectrum Wellness. I work with a variety of clients, but the goal is always to optimize your body by looking deeper. A lot of people use the term "root cause" but we will most likely never know the actual root cause. Instead, we look at your health history and symptoms, then look at more of the internal systems to determine what deeper issues need testing. From there, we can decide the highest priority of imbalance and allow those systems to start to heal so they can carry over into others. The coaching and consulting I do is all encompassing from the testing we look at, your lifestyle, stress management, your nutrition, and your workouts/activity level. MIND-BODY-SPIRIT.
I do a variety of testing such as GI-MAP DNA stool analysis for gut dysbiosis, HTMA hair analysis testing for mineral/heavy metals, comprehensive lab testing for hormone/metabolic imbalances, and food sensitivity testing. Depending on the client's needs, we can dive even further into other toxicities, food and environmental sensitivities/allergies, and much more. Digestion and absorption play a crucial role in the body’s ability to have the right nutrients and utilizing those nutrients to run effectively. Our microbiome, inflammation, heavy metal toxicity, mineral imbalances, and the way our cells are utilizing nutrients plays a huge role in our overall health. When we have a lot of gut dysbiosis, internal inflammation, and hormone imbalances, the entire system starts to fall apart.
Even if your goal is to just get into amazing shape, you truly do that by optimizing everything at a deeper level. Allowing your body to function on all cylinders, utilize the food you are intaking at the highest level by digesting/absorbing it properly, keeping your hormones in a more balanced state so you have the lean muscle and can lose body fat, AND not overdoing it just to get there. Finding a plan to work with the flow of your body so your body CAN do what it is designed to do. Most people keep pushing their system into more and more stress working against problems that are deeply rooted and don't even understand why it's so hard for them to reach their goals.
Regardless of where the issue started, or what phase of your health journey you are in, this deeper testing and balancing work can bring your health to the next level. I have several coaching and consulting packages available and am happy to discuss the best options for your needs!

Who I Work With
I work with a variety of clients remotely. Your main goal must be to first FEEL your best and optimize your health so your body can respond how it should. I work with clients that are ready to commit to not only a plan but also make the necessary lifestyle changes to achieve their goals. Weight loss/fat loss, hormone balance, gut health, and just your regular gym goers looking to step up their health goals to the next level are who I primarily work with!
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Socially Acceptable
Casie Shepherd is not a doctor or licensed practitioner. Any information provided by Casie Shepherd and Spectrum Wellness on this site and mobile app is for general informational purposes only. Any testing and information given should not be taken as medical advice. Only a Licensed Medical Professional can diagnose and prescribe treatments and medications for you. Do not ignore or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of any information obtained or recommended by Casie Shepherd Spectrum Wellness. Consult your own Medical Professional regarding all nutritional supplements to evaluate if the supplements could adversely affect or react with any medications or pre-existing conditions. Stop any food or supplement immediately if you have any type of adverse reaction. You agree that Casie Shepherd Spectrum Wellness and its representatives shall not be liable for damages arising from the information and content viewed and obtained through her or this website. You agree that this limitation of liability is comprehensive and applies to personal injuries and all damages of any kind, including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, general, special, punitive, compensatory, and consequential damages. These tests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.