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Media and Interviews

I really enjoy interviews and educating on a bigger platform. From time to time I am interviewed in the media and on other podcast/YouTube platforms. Below are some of the interviews and podcasts I’ve done over the past few years!

YouTube Interviews - Tales from a Gemini

Interview with Casie
Interview with Casie
Interview with Casie
Canvas Rebel Interview

@cshepherdifbb talks everything from stress mitigation to eating for nourishment and how to best optimize your hormones after years of dysfunction. She’s a wealth of knowledge and does an amazing job simplifying and relating to women in need. 

Interview with Casie

The Ivery Show with special guest Casie Shepherd

Interview with Casie

Socially Acceptable

Services Offered

Casie Shepherd is not a doctor or licensed practitioner. Any information provided by Casie Shepherd and Spectrum Wellness on this site and mobile app is for general informational purposes only. Any testing and information given should not be taken as medical advice. Only a Licensed Medical Professional can diagnose and prescribe treatments and medications for you. Do not ignore or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of any information obtained or recommended by Casie Shepherd Spectrum Wellness. Consult your own Medical Professional regarding all nutritional supplements to evaluate if the supplements could adversely affect or react with any medications or pre-existing conditions. Stop any food or supplement immediately if you have any type of adverse reaction. You agree that Casie Shepherd Spectrum Wellness and its representatives shall not be liable for damages arising from the information and content viewed and obtained through her or this website. You agree that this limitation of liability is comprehensive and applies to personal injuries and all damages of any kind, including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, general, special, punitive, compensatory, and consequential damages. These tests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.

Get in Touch

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Thank You! I will reach out to your regarding your request shortly. - Casie

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