Hair-tissue-mineral-analysis (HTMA) is an extremely efficient tool in assessing our bodies mineral status as well as levels of heavy metal toxicity. Minerals and metals affect our endocrine system, cellular metabolism, structural support, nerve conduction, muscular activity, immune functions, antioxidants, enzyme functions, water/acid/alkaline balance, and even our DNA. We see a lot of correlation in deficiencies and metal toxicity in many diseases.
Minerals and metals have a direct affect on either stimulating or inhibiting the energy producing glands which include the pancreas, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, posterior pituitary, thyroid, adrenal medulla, and anterior pituitary. These glands control our endocrine system responsible for making hormones, keeping our stress in a balanced state, and even determining how our body regulates our glucose levels. Each mineral and/or toxicity has certain glands it will affect and target.
Aside from the glandular functions mentioned above, many other systems rely on mineral balance to function. Most vitamins, enzymes, and proteins cannot fully function without proper mineral levels. This makes minerals one of the most important things to address when working to achieve optimal health.
Because of the way minerals interact with eachother, we have to take a deep look at how your body is processing each mineral, the actual levels, as well as the ratios between specific minerals. Certain minerals will fight for absorption and some will increase it alongside (antagonistic and synergystic). Metal toxicity can cause a deficiency in certain minerals as they have similar actions at the cell. Heavy metals bind to cells where we are deficient in minerals, either from over exposure or as a protective mechanism to keep the cell functioning. This testing and assessement tells us a lot about your entire metabolic system, your metabolic type, how quickly your body oxidizes, and how certain heavy metals/minerals are contributing to many of your systems imbalances.
It's very easy to swing from one extreme to another if you don't treat and balance properly. Detoxifying heavy metals, balancing unbalanced minerals, assessing your health history/symptoms, and making the correct lifestyle changes are all necessary in order to create the changes needed.
Hair is used for mineral testing because of its very nature. Hair is formed from clusters of specialized cells that make up the hair follicle. During the growth phase, the hair is exposed to the internal environment, such as blood, lymph, and extra-cellular fluids. As the hair continues to grow and reaches the skin's surface, its outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic products accumulated during the formation period. This biological process provides a blueprint and lasting record of mineral status and nutritional and metabolic activity during this time. Blood, however, will only show circulating levels but rarely represent what the body is absorbing into the tissues and cells. Therefore, hair becomes a much better way to assess overall status when performed to exacting standards and interpreted correctly.
When performed correctly, this is an extremely effective test. Understanding possible long time imbalances and your metabolic type can really help you to make different choices every day for your health and specific body.
- For example: Someone who has a certain metabolic type will retain more sodium & potassium but lack more calcium & magnesium becasue of how the glands stimulate and retain for that individual. In this example, we can see a lot of personality types/behaviors and we know this is someone that needs to consume less sodium, foods that should start to be added in or taken out, lifestyle choices that will help, and protocols that will help balanace. All of this is customized in the reports.
HTMA is only one aspect of your system, however. I typically do recommend pairing this test with other testing to get a more full and clear picture of how your system is functioning. For instance, if you have had compromised glands for a while, it can lead to hormonal dysfunction, high inflammation, gut pathogens, and issues in producing the necessary bile/stomach acid/enzymes to properly absorp minerals/nutrients correctly. If multiple systems are out of balance, your system may need more assistance in regaining balance. Your system needs to be able to digest and absorb the supplementation properly to create change. See GI Map testing here, and check out the combined package here. You can also reach out at the contact form below if you have more specific questions on your system and what might be the best option for you!
HTMA Hair analysis + Consultation
- This test is non-refundable & non-returnable
- We cannot process or ship for any specimins in NY
- Test kits ship every Wednesday through normal USPS